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atelier 13 audio


"Reinhard Thöress set out to exalt the treasures contained in the Triode tube, through a classic approach that has proven itself and a deliciously Retro look, a sound result unlike any other in its density, its presence, its energy and its realistic spatial presentation, serving all the emotion contained in each recording. Those who are connoisseurs of Valve-halla will be delighted by the Thöress amplifiers and their rare musicality"

A Tribute to Professional Audio Components from the Golden Age of the Vacuum Tube! 

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Thoress EHT Integrated MKII Amplifier TPT  .png



single-ended hybrid triode


Single-ended Hybrid Triode Integrated Amplifier

Offers 2x20 watts of output power into a 6 ohm load combined with low output resistance (high damping
factor). Such providing excellent drive capability for loudspeakers with medium to low efficiency or critical
impedance behavior (which may present a challenge for our all-tube triode amplifiers) while offering an ultimate sonic presentation without involving exotic and costly power tubes.


The amplifier is based on a unique minimalist single-ended zero-feedback vacuum tube MOSFET hybrid topology which we call EHT Topology (E/intakt H/ybrid T/riode, single-ended hybrid triode).


The EHT topology consists of a single-ended triode gain stage (6J5GT,12J5GT or 7A4 vacuum tube) followed by a unity gain MOSFET output stage also operated in singleended (class-A) mode with high idle current. Basic analysis easily shows that ... The EHT principle represents the PUREST form of all possible single-ended triode power amplifier configurations!


Specifically, it can be shown that a higher output power can be more easily obtained with the EHT than with an all-tube amplification principle, without compromising sound quality. Simply, because in the former case the typical vacuum tube impedance matching output arrangement (power tube driven output transformer with high step-down ratio) can be fully omitted.


Therefore the driver voltage swing required for a specific power output is up to 10 times (!!!) lower for the EHT configuration compared to an all-tube topology, resulting in a proportional reduction of non-linear distortion. In fact this very crucial insight led us to the design of the EHT Integrated (and the EHT Mono Amplifier).


The EHT topology allows to fully exploit and mate the most desirable characteristics of both vacuum tube and solid state devices determined by their very nature.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 12,700


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single-ended hybrid triode


Single-ended Hybrid Triode Power Amplifier


THÖRESS is pleased to announce the introduction of the Hybrid Triode Mono Amplifier (EHT Monoblock), our latest achievement. The most powerful amplifier model of our product line provides 30, 40 or 50 watts of output power into a 8, 6 or 4 ohm load respectively, combined with very low output resistance (high damping factor). Such providing excellent drive capability for loudspeakers with medium to low efficiency or with critically low impedance which may present a challenge for our all-tube single-ended triode amplifier models. While offering the same level of ultimate sonic excellence - yet without involving exotic and costly power tubes! The Amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-topoint wiring techniques, whereas much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure low noise performance, ease of service and the highest reliability for many years to come. The EHT Mono Amplifier is an ultimate component in every sense and the perfect complement to our Dual Function Amplifier or Full Function Preamplifier


The amplifier is based on a unique minimalist single-ended zero-feedback vacuum tube MOSFET hybrid topology which we call EHT Topology (E/intakt H/ybrid T/riode, single-ended hybrid triode).


The EHT topology consists of a single-ended triode gain stage (6J5GT,12J5GT or 7A4 vacuum tube) followed by a unity gain MOSFET output stage also operated in singleended (class-A) mode with high idle current. Basic analysis easily shows that ... The EHT principle represents the PUREST form of all possible single-ended triode power amplifier configurations!


Specifically, it can be shown that a higher output power can be more easily obtained with the EHT than with an all-tube amplification principle, without compromising sound quality. Simply, because in the former case the typical vacuum tube impedance matching output arrangement (power tube driven output transformer with high step-down ratio) can be fully omitted.


Therefore the driver voltage swing required for a specific power output is up to 10 times (!!!) lower for the EHT configuration compared to an all-tube topology, resulting in a proportional reduction of non-linear distortion. In fact this very crucial insight led us to the design of the EHT Integrated (and the EHT Mono Amplifier).


The EHT topology allows to fully exploit and mate the most desirable characteristics of both vacuum tube and solid state devices determined by their very nature.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 15,700


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texturally rich ... emotionally intense !




Single-ended 845 Triode Mono Amplifier

The flagship of our all-tube power amplifier line. It employs the famous 845 filamentary power triode
single-ended operation mode for an output power of up to 20 watts into a 4, 8 or 16 ohm loudspeaker load.


The 845 power tube works into an ultimate in-house made output transformer (with highly elaborated dual-
coil winding sitting on a large custom made C-core) and is excited by an extraordinary single-stage arrangement utilizing two EL822/CV2382 power pentodes operated in triode mode with high idle current. 
The driver is so powerful that it could (theoretically) drive a loudspeaker load with very low distortion on its own. 

Furthermore, the proprietary output transformer (OPT) is made in-house and features a highly elaborated dual-coil winding over a large tape-wound cut core (C-core) to ensure very low transformer distortion and ultimate frequency response. (The OPT allows for precise matching of a 4, 8 or 16 ohm loudspeaker load to the power tube by way of jumpers soldered to the secondary terminals.) These design choices are to a large extent responsible for the richly textured, clear, warm and dynamic sonic presentation of the SE845 monoblock.

The amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-to-point wiring techniques. Much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure low noise performance, ease of service and the highest reliability for many years to come.


The SE845 Mono Amplifier is an ultimate component in every respect, and as such a worthy complement to our Dual Function Amplifier or Full Function Preamplifier.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 15,250

MSRP   $   CALL  ELROG 845


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emotionally expressive ... lyrically beguiling !



Single-ended 300B Triode Mono Amplifier

An all-tube power amplifier employing the famous classic 300B filamentary triode in single-ended operation mode for an output of up to 10 watts into a 4, 8 or 16 ohm loudspeaker load. The 300B power tube is excited
by an extraordinary single-stage driver employing two CV2382/EL822 power pentodes operated in triode mode with high idle current and works into a C-core output transformer built in-house to the highest possible standards so as to ensure ultimate performance.

Furthermore, the proprietary output transformer (OPT) is made in-house and features a highly elaborated dual-coil winding over a large tape-wound cut core (C-core) to ensure very low transformer distortion and ultimate frequency response. The OPT allows for precise matching of a 4, 8 or 16 ohm loudspeaker load to the power tube by way of jumpers soldered to the secondary terminals.

The amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-to-point wiring techniques. Much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure low noise performance, ease of service and the highest reliability for many years to come.


The SE300B Mono Amplifier is an ultimate component in every respect, and as such a worthy complement to our Dual Function Amplifier or Full Function Preamplifier.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 13,250


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Integrated Class A Tube Amplifier



Single-ended F2a11 Tube Integrated

The famous F2a11 vacuum tube in single-ended triode operation mode for an output power of 2x6 watts into
a 4, 8 or 16 ohm load. The F2a11 tube is a power tube of matchless built quality, exclusively manufactured by SIEMENS (& HALSKE) in the 1950s and early 1960s which has been specifically designed for the most demanding industrial applications. It belongs to the famous so called POSTRÖHREN family of German tubes
and is widely known for its usage in the iconic SIEMENS KLANGFILM cinema amplifiers.


When operated in triode mode the F2a11 offers excellent sonics on par with the finest classic filamentary triodes such as 300B, 2A3, AD1 or PX25.

The triode sections of the 12SN7GT tube are equivalent to a 6J5GT single-triode, a highly regarded classic medium-gain octal base triode with fairly low transconductance from the early times of tube electronics, unarguably one of the most linear amplification devices ever developed in the history of electronic technology.


The amplifier can be employed as a stereophonic power amplifier (in combination with a line or full function preamplifier), in which case the volume controls of the amplifier serve as input attenuators to match the gain of the line device to the efficiency of the loudspeaker.


Our All-Tube Integrated entirely relies on minimalist single-ended zero-feedback schematics. Deliberately ignoring the fact that many music lovers persistently believe in the myth that balanced technology (and the associated cable configuration with XLR connectors) is generally superior to single-ended concepts.

The amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-to-point wiring techniques, whereas much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure low noise performance, ease of service and the highest reliability for many years to come. Although reasonably priced, the F2a11 Integrated shares the non-compromise approach with our larger mono amplifier models. It is by no means an entry-level component, but a state-of-the art device which is likely to be sonically superior to any competitive product regardless of price.


The sound of our F2a11 amplifier is powerful, warm, clear and natural. Particularly when combined with a highly efficient loudspeaker, the sonic presentation is of utmost refinement and will easily meet the expectations of even the most critical and experienced music lover.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 11,700

THÖRESS F2a11 Integrated

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full function preamplifier



Single-ended Full Function Preamplifier

The Full Function Preamplifier is a versatile vacuum tube preamplifier incorporating a state-of-the-art line control amplifier section and a ground-breaking tube phono equalizer in one case.


The phono section of the FFPre provides MC gain with highly accurate RIAA de-emphasis and excellent
signal-to-noise performance in a purely active operation mode. It is by no means an afterthought or add-on to the line section but a state-of-the-art phono device which is sonically on par with the ultimate capabilities of our Phono Equalizer (with RIAA de-emphasis settings).

The amplifier is entirely based on SINGLE-ENDED ZERO-FEEDBACK schematics. Decidedly ignoring the fact that many music lovers persistently believe in the myth that balanced technology (and the associated cable configuration with XLR connectors) is generally superior over single-ended concepts. Readers who want to learn more about our view on balanced techniques and our general design approach are encouraged to read the paper (THÖRESS - Behind the Curtain) available on request. In view of our commitment to single-ended design principles, the exclusive use of RCA jacks for signal input and output was obligatory.


The amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-topoint wiring techniques. Much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure highest reliability, low noise performance and ease of service for many years to come. The FFPre is an ultimate high-end component and as such a worthy complement to our all-tube or EHT based mono amplifiers.


The sonic presentation of the amplifier is of utmost refinement in line and phono mode and thus will easily measure up to the highest expectations of every discerning music lover.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 12,700

THÖRESS FFPre Preamplifier

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dual function preamplifier & hpa



Single-ended Dual Function Amplifier

An ultimate implementation of a line control amplifier and a headphone amplifier, both of which functions are performed by the same minimalist vacuum tube circuit with very low output impedance. Such providing the amplifier with an outstanding ability to simultaneously ndrive long cable runs and headphones with an
impedance as low as 50 ohms or even lower.


The DFAmp also features unique tone control facilities and a custom designed remote volume control presented with typical THÖRESS style and attention to detail.

The circuit of the amplifier consists of a triode gain stage followed by a unity-gain current buffer
employing a power pentode operated in triode mode with high idle current. 


The 12J5GT/6J5GT gain stage tube is a medium-gain octal base triode with fairly low transconductance from the early times of tube electronics, whereas the 12GN7 is a rather modern (all-glass) high transconductance power tube with high gain capabilities, making it an ideal choice for buffer applications. Both tubes are unarguably among the most linear amplification devices ever developed in the history of electronic technology, and as such are a perfect choice in the context of minimalist zero-feedback circuit design.

The amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-to-point wiring techniques. Much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure low noise performance, ease of service and the highest reliability for many years to come.


It is an ultimate component and, as such, a worthy complement to our Parametric Phono Equalizer and our all-tube or EHT mono amplifiers. The sonic presentation of the DFAmp is of utmost refinement in line and headphone driving mode and thus will easily measure up to the highest expectations of every discerning music lover.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 13,700

THÖRESS DFAmp Amplifier

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The Enhancer

parametric phono equalizer preamplifier



Parametric Phono Equalizer Preamplifier

A highly versatile vacuum tube phono preamplifier with MM and MC gain, and unique on-the-fly adjustable
tone control facilities.


The frequency response of the amplifier can be controlled within wide limits by varying the edge frequencies of the de-emphasis characteristic via three 6-position rotary selectors (tone selectors).

The three tone selectors give rise to subtle bass, midrange and treble control functions which are highly effective tools for restoring tonal imperfections of the replayed vinyl program (eventually introduced during the recording or cutting process) without involving additional clumsy and sound destructive tone control circuitry! The favorable range of the selectors for practical use has been determined and optimized by evaluating a large variety of vinyl records with a laboratory sample.


Thanks to its unique tone control facilities the amplifier will allow you to listen more deeply into the groove of records than it is ever possible with a phono preamplifiers restricted to a fixed (RIAA) de-emphasis. Therefor we claim our preamplifier to be a PHONO ENHANCER!


As a side effect of this unique concept, the entire range of phono equalization curves used by the prominent record companies throughout history (including those of pre-microgroove 78-rpm era) can be activated or at least closely approximated by choosing appropriate tone selector settings.


This amplifier is built with meticulous hand construction using our proven point-to-point wiring techniques, whereby much care has been taken in arranging each aspect of the internal construction to ensure low noise performance, ease of service and the highest reliability for many years to come.


The Phono Enhancer is an ultimate component and, as such, it is a worthy complement to our Dual Function Amplifier. The sonic presentation of the amplifier is of utmost refinement and thus will easily measure up to the highest expectations of every discerning music lover or professional user.



Individually Made in Germany

MSRP   $ 13,700



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