atelier 13 audio
LessLoss C-Marc Interconnects
Everything here ... yes everything ... is about
the purity of Music

C-Marc Version
1.0m - $850
1.5m - $1,005
2.0m - $1,160
Over 2m : +$155 per 0.5m
Entropic Version
1.0m - $1,428
1.5m - $1,688
2.0m - $1,948
Over 2m : +$260 per 0.5m
"I'm simply convinced ... LessLess has the answer"
"Best of 2021"
December, 2021 Srajan Ebaen
6moons has chosen the LessLoss C-MARC Entropic Process series of cables out of 106 reviewed products from various manufacturers during the year 2021 as their pick of the year!
"I'm simply convinced that for a very relaxed utterly grain-free and liquid sound, LessLoss' C-MARC Entropic range has the answer."
The Entropic
The new C-MARC™ Entropic Process RCA interconnect is by far the most advanced interconnect we've ever developed
The C-MARC™ Entropic Process RCA interconnect features the very best of our cable technologies: Common-mode Auto-rejecting Cable geometry, the Entropic Process, and a hardwood Wenge barrel. The insulation is 100% mercerized cotton fiber.
Each barrel is laser engraved with our LessLoss logo and has a diameter of 17.5mm. The Wenge hardwood barrels are laser engraved and meticulously finished by hand. A computer controlled laser is used to etch all of the insignia onto each barrel. This is a time consuming process and not merely a surface etch. Through several etching cycles, we burn down deeply into the wood to create a nice, easily legible contrast.
Standard aluminum, brass, or stainless steel housings simply do not live up to the sonic performance standards we seek. Using hardwood we avoid the sonic coloration caused by metallic housings, resulting in a neutral sonic purity which allows the most relaxed and satisfying listening experience.
The Entropic Process is an advanced series of production steps taken by LessLoss to harness the power of the so-called "burn-in" phenomenon. Through this proprietary technology, vastly superior sonics are achieved. It takes us an entire workday to create just one stereo pair of these special cables.
C-MARC™ RCA interconnect cables feature mercerized natural cotton fibre instead of plastics. Plastics tend to give the sound a sticky, artificial tonal quality. Transients become smeared and out of focus. Cotton also serves to absorb micro-vibration to a very high degree. This technique has long been used in the filler of professional microphone cable.
The mercerized and braided cotton structure reflects light more readily and has more lustre than non-mercerized cotton. C-MARC™ cable is very lightweight and highly flexible. It does not tug at the equipment at all, which means that delicately tuned and balanced gear will perform at its very best.
The cable is highly flexible and features 192 individually enameled, 0.125mm diameter copper conductors around a 100% cotton core. This copper structure is then over-braided with 100% natural, mercerized cotton fiber, then another braid of 192 enameled copper wires. On top are two layers of mercerized cotton fiber braids. No plastics throughout.
The total conductive cross section of this cable is 2 x 2.304mm^2. In this application, the center core dual fractal braided copper bundle is adjoined at both ends for positive polarity signal (send), and the outer copper dual fractal braid is adjoined at both ends for negative polarity signal (return, or ground). This results in a whopping 2.304mm^2 cross section per polarity for a mere ~2V line level signal. This results in a completely silent signal transfer, with signal purity and robust dynamic throughput which simply mesmerize.
The C-Marc
For the non-Entropic version of this cable, we use the high quality reference-level ViaBlue RCA Large size connectors. Other than the additional Entropic process, all other technical aspects of this version are identical to those of the Entropic version. A burn-in period will therefore be required, and the relative sonic performance, although excellent in its own right, is not on par with the spectacular prowess of the Entropic ... which after all commands a 66% higher price.
Cable Detail Gallery

"A major win" ... " an arsenal of universally useful traits."
David Grzyb - HiFi Knights November 23, 2021
What they say ...
"The Lithuanians' goods aren't trophy-fi, but smart-fi, targeted to well-aware enthusiasts primarily focused on performance."
"voice rendered spot on, delicate and fleshy, yet distinct, precise and suspended in a breathing living space"
"supportive bass line didn't skip a beat and was fully controlled."
"evenly sorted across the entire audible range."
"perfectly composed, outlined and textured in a way that was fleshy and free from any hints of nervousness."
"more realistic"
"that instrument's every string pluck felt powerful, resonant, substantial and sustained"
"smoother, weightier and lingering in the air a bit longer."
"On dynamic range, smoothness, instrumental hydration and fine soft edges, the LessLoss clearly took the cake without second guesses."
"its in-built silencing action greatly contributed to rendering surrounding space as breathing, touchable and three-dimensional for a very pleasant "alive" feel."
"rendered the same image closer and partially bent around, to effectively surround me by it to a larger degree."
"had all outlines in check and didn't feel unclear at all."
"landed more pleasing, weightier sonics overall. That was a major win by my standards."
"more connected, coherent, heftier and nimble"
"substantial, vibrant and mighty without subtracting anything from its original character"
"scored higher on firm instrumental structures and humane artful vocal line."
"This fully-fledged C-MARC is geared for a particularly fetching silence and associated spatial blackness upon which all else blossoms."
"more than enough to elevate performance of a vast majority of setups I can think of, and keep any listening fatigue at the door."
"tonally even and safe, the risk of their counter-productive input is vanishingly low."
"In this context today's product wasn't designed to repair, but rather support a sonic outcome already achieved and to preserve and cherish its character."
"working extremely well in my main audio system."
"highly organic and resolving"
"did a splendid job."
"arsenal of universally useful traits"
"proved far less situational than most cables I've come across."
"Its wooden laser-engraved bullets turn it into one gorgeous looker"
"exceptionally slinky, so it's very easy to use."
"utmost obedient mechanical behavior."
"scored far more points on ease of delivery, detail retrieval, smoothness, color range, sensible ambience, tangibility, control and dynamic contrasts."
"superiority across pretty much the entire gamut"
"profound potency and subsequent impact"
"spatially extremely gifted, properly radiant, sensual, articulate and earthy at the same time"
"spectacular effects, simple as that."
More of what they say ...
C-MARC Entropic Process RCA interconnect : "This is cable stuff which moist dreams are built on"
Srajan Ebaen - 6 Moons October, 2021
"...richer deeper tone"
"...more enhanced sense of spaciousness"
"...thicker and richer"
"...the antidote to forwardness and grain"
"...a fat compliment to the Lithuanian"
"like + like = like2"
"In my book, that makes these latest LessLoss cables a very advanced proposition"
"...it was all give no take"
"...infused by uncut treble"
"...made it go deeper and eliminated any ambiguity or conditionality"
"...a truly excellent sonic adventure"
"This is cable stuff which moist dreams are built on"
More of what they say ...
"I wish I could have used [these C-Marc cables] to teach this concept to my students"
Mark Blackmore - Audio Beat April, 2019
"I was immediately surprised at how much more information was spread across my living room. Reverb went on forever and the whole soundstage of the prelude seemed much larger and deeper."
"The LessLoss interconnects certainly revealed more detail than I thought possible from my DAC, and it occurred to me that until then, I hadn't really heard all that the BorderPatrol DAC had to offer."
"Quick attacks." "No sense of blur." "Huge soundstage."
"Increased sense of soundstage width and depth."
"Improved resolution and focus in the upper bass and lower midrange."
"I could more clearly hear the performer's technique, the instrument's character, and the idiosyncrasies of the performance."
"I listened to Andre Previn's After Hour's with Ray Brown and Joe Pass CD [Telarc CD83302], noticing a specific benefit of this improved clarity. In music education, we teach that great jazz bass players will play on the "front side" of the beat, enhancing the excitement of an up-tempo tune without rushing the beat. Alternately, the bass player will need play on the "back side" of the beat for ballads or the blues, for that lazy, but not late, groove. On "There'll Never Be Another You", Ray Brown drives the trio with a percussive right-hand technique, always on the front edge of the beat, to propel the tempo forward. The LessLoss cables conveyed greater insight into Brown's musicianship and his ability to play a melodic bass line while also acting as the percussive drive for this drummerless trio tune. I wish I could have used a similarly revealing system to teach this concept to my students."
"Image definition was definitely improved. The sound was purer, more focused, yet retained good extension."
"The LessLoss speaker cables [on electrostatic loudspeakers] did a fine job, with improved image location and depth. Owners of electrostatic speakers should certainly add them to their audition list. They seem made for use with electrostats."
"The change was equivalent to swapping a good preamp for a really great preamp."
"Every aspect of the sound was improved, but most notable was the treble, which had been too forward before, with the tweeter being much too obvious. The improvements exceeded those in my own system, and the owner texted me many times in the following days in amazement at the effect of inserting just one LessLoss power cord. I doubt I would have believed this story if I hadn't witnessed the outcome myself. This was certainly the best sound I've heard at his house."
"Prior to adding the LessLoss cables, I had auditioned many cables in the same general price range, and one power cord that was three times as expensive. While all were well made and sounded good, none of them made my system sound better in terms of bringing performers and their craft into my listening room. The LessLoss cable loom helped me hear more deeply into recordings, and I spent more of my listening time thinking about the musician's performance rather than the sound of the system. That is a high compliment for any piece of audio gear."
"The [LessLoss] cables' inclusion in my system removed a previously unnoticed level of confusion, or noise, resulting in clearer soundstage cues, cleaner upper bass and vocals, and greater overall musical enjoyment. The results were positive enough that I'm saving my audio money to add a set of interconnects and a power cord for my BorderPatrol DAC SE."
Digital Interconnect Cable SPDIF [RCA / BNC]
C-Marc from $ 510
Entropic from $ 858

Digital Interconnect Cable AES / EBU [XLR]
C-Marc from $ 570
The Power Distributor is recommended for use while standing on 3 LessLoss Bindbreaker feet
Set of 3 $ 672

The Result :
fantastic clarity, lower noise, more focus, better imaging, more distinguishable bass, clear and uncolored highs, and a rich midrange with melodic qualities which simply sing music in all its purity.
Music frees itself from the bounds of the loudspeaker.
The Bindbreaker foot is about 38mm high. The foot rests upon a hexagonal platform made of beautiful Bog Oak, which measures about 90mm across.
$224 / pc - $672 / 3pc Set
LessLoss Power Cable
These are hand-braided 'super-cables' based on three separate runs of coaxial C-MARC™ cable. Developed to deal with today’s over-polluted electromagnetic environment.
1m or 1,5m or 2m
C-Marc $1,148
Entropic $1,934
$94 per additional 0.5m
2 cables - 5% off
3+ cables - 10% 0ff
10% Off with Power

Firewall 640X

Featuring the latest and most advanced LessLoss Skin-filtering technology, the Firewall Module blocks noise pollution to levels traditional capacitor and coil-based solutions can only hope to approach.
Developed from our critically acclaimed DFPC (Dynamic Filtering Power Cable), the LessLoss Firewall Module reveals hidden subtleties of the entire audio event as it eliminates the widespread negative effects of high frequency noise pollution.
Use the 640X Firewall module with any equipment so that its potential performance can be realized in today's over-polluted electro-magnetic atmosphere
Plug & Play
Plug-and-Play Firewall 640X module featuring C-MARC™ flexible umbilical. Our finest, state-of-the-art power conditioning product
Plug & Play

Firewall 640X