atelier 13 audio

Audio Hungary Qualiton
"Finis coronat Opus"... the End crowns the Work
The Audio Hungary Qualiton Phono and the MC SUT were designed from the ground up as a premium category vacuum tube phono stage and a moving coil step up transformer, both with extreme low noise and distortion levels and exquisite sound quality. They were made to complement the A series of Qualiton products.

Audio Hungary Qualiton PHONO
Nominal output level
500 mV
Input sensitivity - with MM card
5 mV, to nominal output level
Input sensitivity - with MC card
0.4 mV, to nominal output level
Number of input ports
1 MM-level input per channel,
or optionally 1 MC-level input per channel
Number of output ports
1 line level output per channel, with 500 mV nominal output level
Max. input signal - with MM card
100 mV
Max. input signal - with MC card
2 mV
Gain - with MM card
+40 dB, (f = 1 kHz)
Gain - with MC card
+62 dB, (f = 1 kHz)
Total harmonic distortion - with MM card
< 0.07%, (f = 1 kHz, input level: 5 mV)
Total harmonic distortion - with MC card
< 0.2%, (f = 1 kHz, input level: 0.4 mV)
Frequency response
20 Hz - 20 kHz, (-0.3 dB)
Input impedance - with MM card
47 kOhm
Input impedance - with MC card
145 Ohm
Signal-to-noise ratio - with MM card
> 70 dB
Signal-to-noise ratio - with MC card
> 65 dB
Tubes required
4 x Tungsram ECC83; 2 x Tesla E88CC
5.4 kg
35 x 8 x 30 cm
2 years
Handmade in Hungary
$ 4,750 Mirror Polished
$ 4,250 Black Finish
$ 500 MC Step-Up Card
Audio Hungary Qualiton Phono was designed from the ground up as a premium category vacuum tube phono stage with extreme low noise and distortion level. It was made to complement the A series of Qualiton products.
The MM card is installed by default. MC card is an extra and cost a bit less then 400 EUR. The slot on the back of the main unit's chassis offer an easy installation of MM and MC cards, for lower and higher impedance cartridges. Any card can easily be swapped with simply unscrewing of the four screws, removing the MM module and with insertion of the MC board into the connector inside of the phono. When module is locked, you only need to tighten it back with the screws.
In the signal transmitting circuit the audio processing is done via Tungsram ECC83, as well as Tesla E88CC double triodes. The standard RIAA correction is implemented with the use of classic passive network between the amplifying stages. No negative feedback is applied with this particular design. The nominal input sensitivity is 5 mV and nominal effective output signal is 500 mV.
The interior of the device has a unique thermal design for optimal cooling and shortest signal path. In order to achieve the lowest possible noise level Audio Hungary team have separated the power supply from the main phono chassis.
With outboard, separated power supply Audio Hungary managed to avoid the negative effects of power supply transformer magnetic field. Along the design process they discover significant benefits with signal-to-noise ratio and with better, more involving musical experience, when power supply was farer away from the signal circuit.
THE Qualiton Phono preamplifier uses passive RIAA correction and its accuracy was repeatedly measured and checked on the Rohde & Schwarz UPV Audio Analyzer. The dual mono structure delivers the output level of the left and right channel operation within 0.5dB.
Interestingly, both power transformer and the MC transformers are made in Audio Hungary own factory. Step up transformer uses unique 30 years old lacquered copper wires, that were left as a stock at the Audio Hungary former company. The MC transformers bobbins are made from bakelite and the core constitute of special material alloy with high μ value. Power and MC transformers double shielded and lowers the noise due to stray field of power transformer.
The stabilised power supply is separated not only for the lower noise but also to deliver better thermal operation. Both units are connected to the military grade power supply connectors.
And the most important part... There are only tubes in a signal path. Audio Hungary has chosen a premium selection of NOS Tungsram ECC83 and Tungsram (or Gold Lion) E88CC valves.
What they say...
Mono and Stereo
Audio Hungary Qualiton Phono preamplifier possesses a unique organic quality, that is evident even with the very first notes being served from the turntable.
Tube-based phono preamplifiers are always associated with unique three-dimensionally and Qualiton Phono embodies this quality with ease, expanding from the basic attributes to the level of performance, that is usually reserved for a higher priced phono stages. As with the rest of the Audio Hungary products, Qualiton Phono is priced reasonably and perform more than a notch about its given price.
All in all. It's great to have a pleasant *déjà vu*, with the similar impact of the Audio Hungary's Qualiton APX 200 power amplifier and Qualiton APR 204 Qualiton tube preamplifier I've already reviewed.
I'm more than positively surprised and inspired by what Audio Hungary Qualiton Phono could deliver in terms of music's flow. This double boxed phono preamplifier certainly deserves the recognition and that's why I'm happily giving out the Mono and Stereo Highly Recommended Award!
Audio Hungary has started an interesting and most positive momentum with their line of products andI'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of products they'll reveal in the future.
Matej Isak


Nominal output level
5 mV
Input sensitivity
0.325 mV
Number of input ports
1 unbalanced input per channel
Number of output ports
1 unbalanced output per channel
Turn ratio
Total harmonic distortion
< 0.02% (nominal output level)
Frequency response
5 Hz - 90 kHz (-3dB)
Nominal source impedance
2 - 10 Ohm; 10 - 50 Ohm; optionally, factory tuning based on individual needs
Nominal load impedance
47 kOhm
Input impedance
145 Ohm
Gain (with nominal load)
+24 dB
1 kg
11 x 8 x 15,5 cm
Handmade in Hungary
$ 1,200 Mirror Polished
$ 1,000 Black Finish
In January 2016, the impedance matching transformer of Audio Hungary, specifically developed for moving coil cartridges was launched.
This passive device named Qualiton MC features a fairly aesthetical, shiny polished stainless steel outer casing. Inside of this casing, a pair of transformers is placed. Each transformer features a permalloy cover and the special winding, placed on the bakelite coil former makes it really unique. The high bandwidth is ensured by using quality winding and a special plastic, thus offering low distortion transmission of signal components, fed into the input of the matching transformer.
The nominal amplification of the appliance is +24 dB. As concerns the input of the impedance matching unit : while designing this device we strove for the shortest possible signal paths, and in between the input and output RCA sockets there is a highly accessible ground point.
Basically, the setting most appropriate for the actual cartridge can be chosen from three source impedance ranges : 2-10 Ohm; 5-30 Ohm and 15-50 Ohm. This solution proved to be far better than so-called ‘universal’ solutions using switches and parallel resistors. Please Note : As a special service, the Qualiton MC can be tuned to any cartridge type specified by the customer.
Warranty: 2 years
