atelier 13 audio
Close your eyes ... at $3,150 this is a transformational Investment for the Ages
"... My hifi buddy uses a Moon 650D CD/DAC which is about £7K and I have always wanted to get to that level. Well I took my Cyrus CDi/ whest MB BII around to Mark's place and after 1 hour of warming up started our game of comparing. EVERY SINGLE TIME we played the Cyrus/MB II combination it was like we were suddenly listening to a real performance. There was so much more going on. I mean the Moon 650D is well regarded but the 650D sounded like crap compared to my Cyrus/MB BII. Mark told me afterwards that 'when' he sells his Moon 650D he'll have change left over from 'downgrading financially' to a MUCH better sound hahahaha
I am over the moon with this Mastering Buffer BII. Now to look at getting a whestTHREE Discrete for my VPI Prime Signature turntable ..."


Whest BII Mastering Buffer
Welcome to the all new Mastering Buffer Model BII CD/ Streamer final output stage.
This is not a DAC, it's not digital but a whole new way to get REAL high resolution performance from Digital Audio devices.
As you know this unit is designed to retrieve the maximum amount of information from
your digital audio devices but doing it in the analog domain.
It does this by using a proprietary high speed, Class-A all discrete transistor, low noise audio circuitry using topologies gathered from the R&D gathered from our past DAP (Discrete Analog Processing) program and the TITAN Pro II phono stage.
Brief History
Our background in the recording industry both in the recording and product design arenas has shown us that although the 16 bit and 24 bit processing format used in ALL CD players and many streamers are decent, their driver and output stages completely fail them. Most mid-band/high-end CD players and streamers use very good quality IC chip designs for their driver and output stages and even if they use a complete discrete transistor type output stage ALL OF THESE designs fail to look at the actual requirements of driving the following preamp/amplifier input stage. On ‘paper’ the output stages look absolutely required to pass the signal from these sources to the following amplifier. We at whest audio set about trying to resolve more information from these formats for a completely different project we were working on for a worldwide known UK based musician. In that project the musician wanted far better audio from his already high-end pro-spec digital audio interface and taped based back catalog.
Forward thinking
Because of our very close links with the music recording industry we were able to measure several pro-grade ADC audio interfaces, high-end domestic audio ADCs and CD players. All exhibited the same thing - their outputs were all being driven incorrectly in that the signal amplifier stages did not take into account what the post DAC signal needs to get to the following amplifier. A good quality 16 bit processed signal can in reality sound very good but only if the DAC output drivers can do their job properly....and we mean properly!
With the results and the research acquired from the DAP program we then went about designing a phase corrected, ultra wide band, high-current, all discrete Class-A final output model for our test CD player. The bandwidth of the prototype extended to 245khz and had a phase deviation of just 2degs broadband which was also channel matched.
The complete lack of amplifier switching due to the Class-A topology, near zero phase deviation, high current drive and an extended HF response enabled us to hear further into the soundstage while extracting SO MUCH MORE information. Even our test subject £400 CD player running through the prototype Mastering Final Output Stage sounded like a high-resolution monster. Most of the listeners in the studio thought they were listening to a 24/192 file, while other thought it was a DSD file or better !!!
For the final production version we decided to extend the frequency response, lower the phase deviation, increase the operating voltage while keeping the noise levels vanishingly low. The version you will be listening to is far far better than our prototype.
The internal design of the Mastering Buffer BII is all discrete and designed using high speed transistor Class-A technology. All of the components are hand and channel matched with further trimming at the setting stage of the production. This is the only way we can achieve such a tight channel matched phase response and channel tracking response.
Apart from the 2 bespoke high current low noise power transformers - one for each channel, the Mastering Buffer BII incorporates a new power supply configuration which enables the circuitry to occupy the same case as the transformer without the need of a separate box. This means the high speed critical electronics can now utilize the ultra stable, low noise and high speed power source in an instant – no delay lines - just ultra low noise/ high current on tap! This translates into the type of noise floor that is required for extracting large amounts of micro detail, far better image stability and soundstaging which allows you to get closer to the recorded performance.
The Mastering Buffer Series does not represent any significant loading characteristics on the CD/ Streamer output stage or interconnect so this last stage in the source device can work ‘uninhibited’. With this in mind the Mastering Buffer BII can then do all of the work adding current drive, allowing high levels of dynamic contrast to feed through and resolve the smaller details to be heard properly during louder musical passages.
ALL this while resolving more in the soundstage.

Digital the Whest way !!
Welcome to the all new Mastering Buffer Model BII CD/ Streamer final output stage.
This is not a DAC, it's not digital but a whole new way to get REAL high resolution performance from Digital Audio devices.
A little background info
Back in 2005 we released a product called the DAP.10 analog processor. This small but wonderful device was designed to improve the output of ALL CD players. The DAP.10 sold just under 900 units world wide before the high-speed transistors we used were made obsolete and hence the DAP.10 project was put to sleep. The technology gained from the DAP programme made its way in into the current Whest Audio phonostage range – 2017 onwards
Fast forward to 2020
We now live in a world with very high quality digital devices – CD players, computer based streamers, stand alone streamers etc. While all of these digital sources are able to output VERY high resolution analog audio, in reality they are only really working at 40% capacity. What you really hear from the their outputs is about 40% of what they are really capable of.
Addressing the issues
The 2005 DAP programme taught us that the output stages in CD players and computer based audio all suffer from a lack of drive, quite poor phase response when loaded with an interconnect and preamp and poor current drive. It is one of the reasons the interconnect market is they way it is. This along with the lack of ‘signal conditioning’ in the audio playback chain adds up to quite severe issues with regards REAL dynamic range, imaging, soundstage size, instrument resolution and musicality.
The advantage of a pro-audio background
When you look at ANY high quality studio mixer (not home use mixers), one of the first things that you will notice is that at every stage in the signal chain (trim, mic pre, eq, mix buss, level) the signal is conditioned to be able to pass on to the next stage without affecting the previous stage. The Mastering Buffer Model BII addresses the issues of the current and past crop of digital audio devices by conditioning the signal so it can drive the following interconnect and amplifier stage properly. This is done by sending the digital audio devices analog signal to an ultra high-speed all discrete transistor phase aligned and high current drive amp. The overall audio bandwidth of the BII is 385Khz which allows the small signal/ high frequencies to be dealt with correctly while the high voltage/ high current Class-A output stages adds current drive to the signal exiting the BII. Now the signal has plenty of dynamic range thanks to the increased voltage rails of the BII and with high current drive, the signal is in a state that it can now drive an interconnect and following amplifier input stage. In fact the signal has more than enough current to drive a 50m interconnect without any loss of signal integrity.
The end result
We conducted most of our listening tests using just 2 CD players – Marantz CD63 Ki Signature from 1996 and an MBL C31 circa 2018. The reason for this was so our listening panel could compare the VERY old CD player/ BII combination to a current (2018) high-end player without a BII. BAR NONE….. everyone preferred the old CD63 Ki Signature/ BII combination by far. Across the whole bandwidth the CD 63 Ki Signature was more realistic, had better dynamic range, far better bass definition and response, better clarity across the band. In fact there was not a single area where the MBL C31 was close or better.
Reasonably priced CD Players
... for the skeptics ...
A £500 CD player with the £2499 Model BII will totally outperform any £3000 CD player.
And the great thing is, is that when the £500 CD transport dies … it’s only a £500 CD player… NOT a £3K one !!
We generally recommend using a very good quality but reasonably priced CD player for use with the Mastering Buffer Model BI, but you can use anything really – the better the CD player the better the output of course.
We ask everyone to compare the Mastering Buffer Model BII + their CD player to a very expensive CD player or even a crazy priced interconnect. You will always prefer the BII because it solves a problem that the others allow to pass.
So there we have it. Digital done the Whest way…. you’ll be shocked just how good 16bit and 24bit PCM actually is.

Technical Summary
All high-speed class-A, discrete Transistor input stages
Ultra Matched transistors – channel and circuit matched
High current output all Class-A output stages
Channel matched frequency response to 0.1dB
High Speed low noise multi power supply
2 x bespoke design ultra low noise power transformers
1 transformer per channel : TRUE DUAL MONO
Working audio bandwidth : 205 khz
Total bandwidth with near zero phase error : 385 khz
What they say ...
This ain't no joke !!!
DECEMBER 2, 2021
James McP
OMG, this thing is ridiculous!!!! Holy stuff !
The Mastering Buffer BII arrived safe & sound about 45 mins ago. Even from stone-cold, it sounds better & a bigger soundstage than before. CD has always sounded "smaller" than vinyl to me in the past.
Just listening to Northern Exposure by Sasha & John Digweed, a double CD I've had for many, many years, and the level of detail, imaging etc is completely absurd. I'm hearing stuff I've never heard before, and it's all so effortless.
Crazy, man. Well done.
Christmas has come early
DECEMBER 20, 2021
Dr C Mitton - Switzerland
HiFi Rose RS150B Streamer/ Mastering Buffer BII/ CH Audio/ Focal
Good afternoon Whest team.
I just would like to send this small message to say that the Mastering Buffer BII has arrived and is working marvelously in my system. After trying several DAC units for my RS150B streamer I thought I'd give your Mastering Buffer BII a try as I have heard so many great reports about it.
Well all I can say is this. It is far far too cheap. I have to say for the increase in audio detail, soundstage and dynamic range the MB BII gives, I haven't heard a DAC unit under €10000 that can do the same. I will say that most DACs I have tried sound quite similar - I think many audiophiles feel this way now, as the technology is much the same between many cheaper and expensive DACs now. The best BB DAC is now used in DACs that cost just €1000 and are used in DACs that cost €5000.
Your Mastering Buffer BII though is very different sounding because I can hear so much more and everything sound as if they are alive. The instruments are separated but everything sounds like a 'whole' if that makes any sense. I can hear and pick out anything I want yet the performance is still so musical.
This is exactly what I was hoping for from the DACs I tried in the €5000 upwards region but they never gave me this.
Thank you Whest team from this great Christmas present.
Seems like I have been missing out for far too long
MAY 27, 2023
Marcus Tanker - Hamburg via NY
HiFi Rose 250A streamer/ Mastering Buffer BII/ SPL Elector preamp/ PSi 17M
Hi team Whest
OK, so I am new to you guys as you all know but that 20 years you have behind you does make so much of a difference (thank you John). The Mastering Buffer connected to my HiFi Rose 250A streamer is giving me what I have been looking for from my streaming setup.
I honestly thought all digital systems sounded 'digital'. Even my buddies DCS setup sounds digital but I am now hearing real 3D, bass, projection and soundstage. Incredible sound and value. I could go on but I have a few things to listen to.
Mastering Buffer Model BII
MAY 27, 2022
James. I just plugged in the BII into my Luxman D-08u CD player. The BII is exactly what I have been looking for. Deep and spacious soundstage. Incredible body and weight and vocal imagine is spooky. It's only been on for 30min !!
Mastering Buffer Model BII - Killer Product
DECEMBER 23, 2021
Daniel Jacobs - London UK
Audio Research CD9 SE/ Mastering Buffer BII/ BAT REX2 Preamp / Focal Scala Utopia EVO Loudspeakers
That's all I am saying. Like Captain Kirk just zapped a Klingon.
If I could swear in this message believe me I would. This thing is just so damn amazing. Listening to Byrd In Flight on Japanese Import CD through my Audio Research CD9 SE and I have never heard it ever sound this good EVER.
My local hifi dealer KJ West One London couldn't find a DAC that was as good as what your Mastering Buffer Model BII does. EVERY single DAC I borrowed and out in my system made a small or a slightly better sound but your Mastering Buffer BII really has bought everything out in a massive way.
... best system I've had and probably will ever have ...